Despite the recent warm spell, Steve and I still had powder on our minds, so we settled on the idea of skiing the north facing chutes of Esha Peak
Here's a view of the peak looking up Esha Canyon.
The dangers for the day included a creek crossing....

and wet snow avalanches.

We skinned up easily on the low elevation corn.

The peak drew closer, but at a disturbingly slow rate.
We ended up skiing the left chute, partially shaded in this pic.

At long last we reached the northwest ridge and enjoyed fine views and a refreshing breeze.
This is the view to the west of Mt. Baldwin, White Fang, and Mt. Morrison (on the skyline).

Looking down Esha Canyon at Lake Crowley, Long Valley, and the Glass Mountains.

The hike up the ridge was no cakewalk involving boulder hopping and an occasional class 3 move.

Steve's energy was subpar on the ascent, but he persevered. On the summit his outlook brightened appreciably.

Looking down our chosen line. Powder!

Steve teled the steep headwall in fine fashion...

and let it rip in the broad main chute.

Most of the snow in the lower canyon was a bit thick, but decent. Here Steve finds some nice corn.

Hey, I thought this was supposed to be a ski trip!?

Since the road was not plowed and has not melted much, we had to start less than a mile above Highway 395 which made for a long approach and quite a long day overall. Fortunately a couple of guys from Reno were relaxing at the cars and provided us with hugely appreciated cold beer. Twas a splendid way to top off a fine day in the hills.