Thursday, January 21, 2010

Keeler Lunch Hike

The snow started falling here in Keeler around nine this morning and by ten I was itching to be out in it, so I took a quick break and went for a hike in the hills.

I traversed the limestone and dolomite ridges shown here.
The snow was just beginning to stick.
The color of these cacti really stood out in the grey light.
I was amazed mushrooms could live in this desert environment. This little puffball seemed particularly defiant.
I noticed this pine cone on the ground immediately, but it took me a moment to realize I was a long way from any pine trees. How did it get here?
The limestone, dolomite and marble in this area is striking.

I believe this is part of the old Salt Tram from Saline Valley.
Weathered wood from a fallen tower.

The snow fell gently without a hint of wind. I found the whole scene soothing and pleasant.

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