Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Mendocino II

 Next day I started off with a short mountain bike ride through Fern Canyon at the Van Damme State Park. Despite the drought the canyon was green and lush. Peaceful too.

Mary and I planned out the rest of the day with a post ride cup of coffee on the deck.

We elected to explore the headlands right outside of the town of Mendocino.

The bluffs start right on the edge of town.

Logging ships moored to this rocky point while being loaded since there were no deep water ports nearby.

More amazing coastline.

We circled back into town, had a tasty lunch then walked north to catch more headland hiking which was even more spectacular.

The islands were thickly populated with Pelicans with a smattering of Gulls and Cormorants too.

Ice plant is an evil invasive, but stunning nonetheless.

The number of arches, bridges, and sea caves here is amazing.

 Loved it!

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