Monday, May 20, 2024

North Schell Peak Ski

 I've mostly been riding lately, but Saturday I got the itch to go check out the spring skiing conditions. Originally intended to go for a short tour just to get a handle on things, but the travel was easy, the snow was softening slowly, and I felt good so I found myself heading to the summit of North Schell Peak - the high point of the Schell Creek Range.

 Morning views on the way up.

Looking south along the spine of the range. Wheeler Peak in the distance left.

Attractive line dropping east from the crest looking north.

The summit from the gentle col northwest of the peak.

The snow was cooked to perfection. Long, moderate descent. Great fun.

The road is driveable to the trailhead although a bit rough. Then an easy 20+ minute hike on a use trail through here to/from the snow.

 Woah. A little recon tour turned into a memorable outing!


Conor Phelan said...

Saw your beautiful turns on our way up the following day! What a special place. Love your blog.

Scott E said...

Thank you Conor. Means a lot coming from you! Love everything you do. A true inspiration.

Conor Phelan said...

Thanks Scott, let's get out and ski together sometime. Would love to get shown around your local zones!