Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Up and Down the Big Valley Day3

Woke up early and rolled at first light underneath the enormous mass of Mt Williamson.

 Lone Cottonwood in a wash near Georges Creek.

Rode around the back of Manzanar and took a quiet moment to reflect on the past and hope for a better future.

I crossed 395 to the Manzanar airport.

Just east of the airport I swung north onto the Stevens Canal Road which provided excellent riding and beautiful scenery all the way up to Mazourka Canyon Road.

Once north of Mazourka Canyon Road the roads were wider and straighter.

 I was pleased and a bit surprised by the vast grasslands in this area.

 Ponds too!

 Eventually I wound my way up towards the Black Rock Fish Hatchery.

Can't believe I didn't take any more pictures after Black Rock! Had a bit of a headwind so I was grinding out the miles wanting to get home I suppose.

Felt great to roll right up to our house after a fine adventure!

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