Saturday, March 30, 2019


 Due to a booking error on my part we had an extra day in Venice so we took the opportunity to visit the island of Burano just north of Venice.

 The island is renown for the colorful buildings throughout the town.

 Yes, another leaning tower!

 We visited the Lace Museum dedicated to a past era in Burano when it was the center of lace making. A traditional floral lace.
 and a less traditional piece.

Sadly the art is dying. Learning the techniques takes years and, once proficient, each lace takes an incredible amount of time. All of the practitioners are quite old and no young are taking up the art.

After the museum we strolled some of the quieter neighborhoods on the island.

We arrived back in Venice via water bus at dusk.

We enjoyed a decent glass of wine and a somewhat forgetable meal.

The views were quite nice though!

Tomorrow we leave the city and go to the mountains!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Burano was fantastic!