Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Back to the Nevada Outback

Cooler temps and clear skies got me to thinking about another bike pack trip. Getting outta cell range and skipping all the pre-election hoo hah was a motivating factor too, so off I went to Nevada.

 Easy pedaling on fine, well graded roads made for a great start.

A long but gentle climb led me to the top of this pass.

The destination for the day was this area near a spring. I found cool running water beneath the bright Cottonwood tree.

Next morning I rolled north past this well where the cowboy who runs cattle out here has installed a solar powered pump. The cattle weren't on the range yet, so no water for me.

Soon I was climbing up a pretty little canyon.
 After an hour or so I was up in the serene Pinyon/Juniper woodland.

I had studied maps and satellite images and noticed a spring high up in the hills. I couldn't see any sign of water on Google Earth, but was encouraged when I came across this sign.

Hopes dashed. Not a drop. Fortunately I loaded up with a lot of water at the previous spring so I was fine for dinner, breakfast the next morning, and a few hours of riding after that.

Camp was a pleasant, established site just off the road.


I went for a stroll prior to setting camp enjoying good views and solitude.

Next morning I descended back into the big valley. I was prepared to ride back to the spring I camped at on day one, but was hoping there might be a little water at place labeled "Cow Camp" on the map.

Cow Camp!

What a find. There were jugs of water too!

The stove worked. The propane fridge probably did too although I did not try it. There was even a little firewood for the woodstove - which I fired up the next morning.

Mailbox minutiae.

Having secured water and a fine place to sleep, I decided to explore the neighboring hills.

I came across this "Guzzler" for Big Horn Sheep.

This large metal structure captures rain water for the reservoir.

I parked the bike, put on the hiking shoes and set off for a little nearby peak.

The views from the summit were tremendous!

Back at Cow Camp in the evening I strolled about and took a few more photos.

Part of the cabin houses the well. This is the well mast with drilling rod stacked inside.

Hitchin post

The next morning dawned beautifully with a mix of pretty clouds and blue skies.

Perusing the maps I noticed a shortcut back to the truck. First up into the hills again.

Then a sweet plunge down this nice gorge.

Back to the hamlet near where I parked my truck.

 Love this country!


Bob Shattuck said...


Scott E said...

Thanks Bob. Hope you're well. Think snow.