Friday, February 25, 2022

More Lakes Basin Skiing

Day before yesterday Mammoth Mountain reported 4" to 6" of new snow and an ESAC forecaster found up to 12" in the Lakes Basin, so I elected to visit a favorite zone below the Mammoth Crest.

The day started quite cold, but quickly felt warm with bright sun and no wind. Looking up to Hammil Col (center). Someone put in an impressive set of turns on the large face to the right. High speed affair with about four turns over 1000'.

Pretty morning.

The top 500' or so of the crest looked pretty wind wracked. North winds really cranked after the frontal passage.

No wind affect here. Somehow I always forget how far back this zone is. Lots of trailbreaking.

First run was a nice meadow skip. Snow depth was variable. Maybe 2" to 8" with an occasional scrape on the old surface.

Second run was better with more consistent depth.

Third run was in the trees. Best of all with locations hitting the reported 12" mark.

Sure is nice to see (and ski!) some fresh snow.