Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Habeggar's Glades

 Winter at last! Most seasons I have to schlep up to Mammoth for a month or more before there's enough snow to ski above Bishop. Not this year.

After the big snow I elected for a mellow tour without significant avalanche hazard. The Habeggar's Glades fit the bill. 

A glorious morning for sure. Left the car at 830, 10F. Trailbreaking proved easier than I thought, although still not easy.

Love me some Mountain Mahogany in the snow - as long as I can ski around it and don't have to go through it.

This is what the glades looked like. The bumps are all bushes - or almost all. They were best avoided as they were often hollow and could throw me off balance. The snow was great otherwise. Bush slalom.

Across to Table Mountain. No slides except some small ones left of center barely discernible here.

Took three runs and called a day. A heck of a good day.

While this zone could use more snow, it's a great start.