Wednesday, April 12, 2023


 Temperatures have rapidly climbed with highs in the low 80s here in Bishop. Early corn has developed on south and southeast slopes, but warm nights with little or no refreeze have created a lot of isothermal mush on many aspects.

 Thursday I took my longtime friend Reed out for a short tour. Hadn't been on skis in at least a dozen years. He was my main cohort back in 1996 when I discovered the joy of skiing big mountains.

Took him a few turns to get in the groove. The corn was close to perfect though, so he was cruising in no time.

Perfect weather, great snow, and fine scenery. We were stoked.

Friday I looked for more south facing on slopes I'd never skied before.

Incredible views up here.

Real nice corn with only a patch or two of mush on E facing.

Yesterday I tried my hand on similar aspects and elevations. Early start.

High clouds and winds picked up mid morning. I was hoping they would delay softening. They did not!

Still managed to find good skiing here and there, but definitely found more unconsolidated.

This blown out road meant I had an extra 25 minutes of hiking to get to the snowline - which is rising quickly here.

 Cold front moves in later today bringing cold overnight temps. Should improve conditions.

1 comment:

reed or kayar said...

easy to look competent on bunny slopes eh!!!