Monday, April 29, 2024

Spring Powder!

Took a week and a half off for a road trip. Visited friends, rode the bike, went for a short, mediocre ski tour. Good times.

Back in Ely, winter returned forcefully with a strong spring storm. I knew there had to be powder skiing up in the mountains, so off I went.

 Great to see winter scenes again.

Really dug the spiky hoar frost.

The cloud deck hung around this level for most of the morning then lowered dramatically as I transitioned. Just my luck!

I waited for nearly half an hour before taking advantage of a very brief break. Nice short run in really good snow.

Not more than two minutes later it looked like this!

The forecast for the next day was "Mostly Sunny" so I went back for some unfinished business. Ended up skiing the two runs on the right.

Love this zone! You emerge from the Aspen and Pine and it feels like stepping out into a huge stadium.

My skin track was useful up to yesterday's turnaround leaving me about 1000' of trail breaking in a foot plus of beautiful textured snow.

Views weren't bad either.

The first run was incredible!

Second run was pretty darn good too. Light a little flat, but the snow texture helped a lot with visibility.

Not a soul around either day. Good to be back in the Great Basin!

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