Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Batch Plant Bowls

 Spent the last two days doing quick tours in the Batch Plant Bowls - so named because there is a concrete batch plant near the foot of the bowls.

 Ok, so this wasn't real inviting and to be honest, I seriously considered moving on to another locale. Glad I didn't! It was a pretty easy 20+ minute walk to the snow mostly on a closed 4wd drive.

Continuous, mostly supportable snow led to this run. High winds had blown a little snow and dirt into the right edge. Looks funky, but provided a nice smooth surface for skiing.

View from my high point. The sewage effluent ponds are on the left, batch plant center, airport right.

Despite the clouds, there was enough intermittent sun to soften the snow nicely.

Fun skiing was had top to bottom. Good to the last drop!

I had such a good time yesterday I went back again today. Yesterday I skied the shady line right of center and today I skied the next line right of that.

Looking northeast to Crowley Lake and the White Mountains.

Today I managed to top out and very much enjoyed the big views. Mt Morrison and Morrison Col.

Looking up Convict Creek to Red Slate Mountain.

The upper reaches of the run skied really well.

 Got a little heavy and sticky midway down, then improved again in the little snow tongue.

It's easy to drive by this zone, glance up, and dismiss the runs, but the terrain is bigger and more attractive than it looks from the highway. Hitting it a little earlier in the season when the dry hiking is shorter would be ideal, but I'm not complaining!

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