Wednesday, April 13, 2022

The Seesaw Continues

 The weather here continues its seesaw between winter and late spring. Last week saw near record heat, but Monday a cold front barrelled through dropping 5+" of snow and lowering the high elevation temps to near zero.

 Yesterday morning I was greeted by crisp air, plenty of sun, and only light wind. Honestly, the cold temps felt good.

Back to the Mammoth Lakes Basin. It's where the most snow accumulates during these small storms and the coverage is still quite good.

Took a real nice run on this slope.

My tracks on the left viewed while skinning back up.

Then took another great run in the open bowls and glades east of TJ Bowl proper. A little sloughing in the steep, playful terrain above TJ Lake.

Today I headed back up hoping for more of the same. Lake Mary and Mammoth Mountain.

I got more, but not exactly the same. High winds last night had moved a lot of snow. Yesterday's skin track besides rough, icy crust that had been exposed by the wind.

Still pretty darn good in here though. My tracks left.

One and done today. Found a bit more nice skiing lower near Lake Mary Ridge, but had to watch my aspect as a sun crust had developed on solar aspects.

Pretty nice couple of days in the high country. What's next?


Bob Shattuck said...

I do a lot of straight up deleting, large swaths of it, but I never pass on "Scott's Eastside Blog" . . . and this one is no exception. lovely, inspiring . . . but i'll have to just know that the wind and sprinkles out the window are making it happen somewhere :)

Scott E said...

Thanks once again for the kind words Bob. Feeling quite fortunate these days.