Sunday, April 10, 2022

Old Man's Bowl/Mono Jim Peak

 Yesterday the winds were a blowing over the high terrain, so I chose a tour that would be somewhat protected - at least for the most part. I was able to drive up the Tobacco Flat road clear to the gully on the east side of the peak known as Mono Jim (or Mini Morrison).

 The drive up offered up swell scenery. Tobacco Flat.


Convict Lake

The approach gully was nicely filled in only a few feet from the parking spot. The gully opens up about a half mile above.

Quickly I found myself at the mouth of Old Man's Bowl.

Easy skinning, then a couple of minutes of hiking brought me to the top of the bowl with this view of the stunning north face of Mt Morrison.

I was a bit early for ideal skiing, so I had time to hike out to the summit of Mono Jim Peak (right).

Views of Bloody Mtn (left) and Laurel Mtn (center) with the Pinner and mini Pinner couloirs.

The winds were indeed howling on the summit where it was difficult to stand without leaning on the ski poles. Snapped a couple photos and skedaddled. Looking down to Convict Lake.

The snow in the bowl had softened nicely. A little too bumpy to be called perfect corn, but still skied  really well.

Solid fun down here in the approach gully too.

Short but super sweet!

1 comment:

Bob Shattuck said...

You didn't find a singin' bridge in what was left of that wind -- lucky you.